The small computer desk we used until now
Even before we moved into this house, we knew we were turning one of the bedrooms into an office. Then, the day we moved and started organizing our furniture, we decided which bedroom it was going to be.
At that point, what made this bedroom an “office” was a very small computer desk I’ve had for years. It is the one I have used to work on many projects until now, including the creation of this blog. Later on, we added a day bed, which we use to read and as an extra bed to accommodate friends and family when they visit.
Almost a year after moving to this house, though, we decided to give the office a facelift. The main reason was the lack of desk space for both of us to work at the same time.

The “office”, right before we decided to give it a facelift
As you can see in the previous photos, the desk is very small. There’s no way we both can use it simultaneously, we wanted to do something about it.
Once we decided to get this project going, the first thing we did was deciding how we wanted to arrange the furniture in our new office. During this step, we determined that the best location for our new desk was the space that was being occupied by the day bed. So we ended up moving it to the opposite side of the room. The other two walls didn’t offer a lot of flexibility because there is a closet on one and a window on the other one.
Once we were happy with the layout, we moved on to the next step, painting and changing the walls color.
What does changing the walls color have to do with desk space? Well, we figured that if we were going to turn the bedroom into an office, changing the walls color was an important step in the process. Neither one of us like the beige/yellowish color they put everywhere in the house, so we’ve been painting all the rooms, one at a time.
As a result, we always have some paint and painting supplies left over from different projects. So after deciding what color to use (Whitewash Oak) we were able to move on with the job almost right on the spot. About five hours later, we were completely done.

Painting our home office, Whitewash Oak

More than half way done with the paint job
The end result, a way nicer and inviting place to read, work or relax.

Our new home office walls color

Walls with the new color and the day bed on the other side of the room
With the paint job out of the way, we were able to move forward with our home office project. The next step involved finding a way to resolve our lack of desk space. It will be presented in the next two posts.
Readers, what do you think of our home office color selection? Would you have chosen a similar or a completely different one?
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