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The end 2016 marked the end of our first full year blogging. In case you have not realized, this blog went live on October 20th, 2015 the day I posted My First Project Ever! So on December 31st, 2016, the blog was 1 year, 2 months and 10 days old! Exciting huh?
When we first started, the only traffic we were getting was from friends, family and some spammers. Eventually, though, our organic and referral traffic started showing up! The excitement of seeing the traffic grow is what has kept us going until now (well, we could have kept blogging without traffic anyway, just with less excitement), so we would like to give thanks to all of you who decided to check out our blog. We hope our posts have been helpful and have also encouraged you to complete some DIY projects. That’s the reason why we’re here.
We all like good news. Many bloggers list their most popular, most shared or most commented blog posts on their front pages. We would like to do the opposite, listing the blog posts with the least amount of traffic in 2016.
Not that they are bad news because they still had plenty of views and whoever the visitors were, at least, they learned of our website. But they definitely lacked when compared to others. Although we know there are many reasons why, including the date of publication (towards the end of the year), we want them to get more attention.
So, without further comment, here is the list of posts with the least amount of visits (organized from least to most visits):
A great read if you’re willing to learn how to set up your own blog on WordPress. It takes less than 15 minutes!

Learn how to set up your own blog in one blog post
On this project, we show you the first step in the transformation of our new garage.

How we Insulated and Drywalled our New Garage
Although you may think, Duh! You have no idea how many times I forget about it and run into all kinds of issues. It is, at least, a good reminder.

I now use photograph to remember how to put things back together
Follow these step by step instructions to install a garage door opener. Anyone can do it!

Chamberlain garage door opener in its final position
This one was a big surprise, it was posted towards the end of the year, though, when most people are thinking about Halloween and the upcoming Holidays.

Our low maintenance, low water, no grass landscaping
There you have it! The least popular posts of 2016.
I like the valuable information you provide in your articles.
Thanks, John.
We’re happy to help!