Finishing the Garage Part 3: Priming and Painting Walls and Ceiling

Priming Garage Walls as part as my Garage Finishing Project

Priming garage walls, including the concrete foundation

With the walls and ceiling insulated, drywalled, taped and mudded, and the floor wearing a fresh and shiny coat of epoxy coating, the most difficult parts of this garage finishing project were out of the way, that meant it was time to move on to the next task: Priming & painting the newly finished garage walls and ceiling.

This is a step I recommend every homeowner to do (hoping you are fortunate enough to not have to go through the hassle of insulating and drywalling), as it is an easy and inexpensive way to improve our usually neglected but useful garages.

A coat of paint goes a long way when it comes to making any room more pleasant, comfortable and desirable to be or work in, the garage is no different. With this in mind, I considered this to be a very important part of the project.


Before moving on and painting the garage walls and ceiling, I first had to put a coat of primer on them.

As you know from my previous Garage Improvement and Organization Project, painting is a job I really enjoy, don’t ask me why, but I do.

To start, I went ahead and removed the old masking tape I put on the walls before starting with the epoxy floor coating application. Then I used some new tape to mask the floor, obviously, to avoid getting it all white with the primer.

At this point, I don’t remember exactly what primer I bought, but, to tell you the truth, this is a job in which I don’t mind using one of the cheapest options available. Most of the time I just go with an inexpensive one, like this one, so I don’t end up either buying the cheapest of the cheap or the most expensive one. At the end of the day, in my opinion, if you paint properly, there should not be a huge difference between one and the other.

As usual, I started with the roller, first on the ceiling and later on the walls, I quickly covered most of the area.

One thing I did differently this time, compared to my previous garage project, was that I ended up priming (and later painting) the foundation; I figured it would look a lot better if it “matched” the rest of the walls. I was not disappointed with the result.


Priming, before painting garage walls

Priming the finished garage walls and ceiling


Priming Garage Walls and Ceiling

Priming the finished garage walls and ceiling


Priming Garage Walls, including the foundation

Using a brush to prime the garage foundation



When it comes to painting garage walls, it seems to me that most people agree that white is the best paint color for your garage interior, even I used it in my first garage.

It is true that white makes your garage look brighter and cleaner, but that’s only until it starts getting dirty, which is something I learned the hard way in my previous garage. I could not do or touch anything without worrying about the walls, I definitely did not want the same problem in this new one.

Obviously, painting it the darkest color available is not a very nice option either, however, in my opinion, the best paint color for you garage interior is a darker (than white), neutral one. I chose and painted the walls using a light blue, it is not too overwhelming and it looks good with the gray floors. Another tip, I went with flat paint, but if I could do it again, I would go with satin, they cost about the same, and it is easier and safer to clean it up if needed.

The paint I chose for paint my garage walls

Then paint I used on the garage walls



Having chosen the paint, it was just a matter of completing the actual painting job. To do this, just like with the primer, I used a roll for most of the walls and a small brush for the corners and edges.

Since I had pretty much everything out or organized in the middle of the garage, it didn’t take long to finish the job, as usual, most of the time was spent trimming the edges so as not to make a mess, especially close to the floor and the white ceiling, which I ended up painting later on with an even smaller 1-inch brush.

Painting Garage Walls as part of my Garage Finishing Project

Painting garage walls, I went with a light blue color


On my next and final post of the series, I show you the end result of this Garage Finishing Project, including the installation of some storage cabinets, because, as you know I don’t like “storing” anything on the floors.

Readers, is your garage painted? What color did you choose? What do you think? Do you agree with my “best color for your garage” selection?

Priming and Painting Garage Walls as part of your latest garage improvement project? This is what you need:

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  1. Hi Tony, thanks for the great details in your post. I just finished installing new drywall in my garage and have primed it. I do also have a concrete foundation. Did you paint the foundation with the same color as the walls or the ceiling? And also should walls and ceiling be in the same color? I think the ceiling should always be white to make the room look bigger. And can we apply rubber or vinyl trim if we don’t paint the foundation concrete?

    1. Hello,
      Thanks for your comment and for reading our blog.
      In this garage, yes, I painted the foundation the same color as the walls. In our current house, I painted it white. I thought it would look better that way and it definitely does! Like I said in the post, I wanted it to look like some kind of baseboard. The ceiling is white in both garages, I agree 100% with you. I’ve seen people installing vinyl baseboards in their garages, however, depending on how tall the stem wall is, it will still be visible, so I think painting it is a better solution. You can always go with a dark color to make it look more like a real baseboard and keep it from getting all dirty.
      Let us know what you decide!

  2. Do you paint the walls the same color as the ceiling? What is the rule of thumb here for an average two car garage? Thank you.

    1. Hello, Chris,

      Thanks for your comment and for reading our blog.
      As of right now, I have only used the same color in my first garage, both the ceiling and the walls were painted white.

      Unless you are doing the same (painting everything white) I would not or recommend painting the ceiling the same color of the walls. In my case, I would not like having a blue ceiling. I just don’t like it, not too mention that it will make the garage (or any room for that matter) look a lot darker.
      Obviously, I understand and respect everyone’s choices/preferences/taste, but in my opinion, it just doesn’t look right.

      Let us know what you decide!

    2. Did you use moulding around the windows and doors and also the base of the walls. If so what color did you choose

      1. Hello, Steve,

        Thanks for your comment and for reading our blog.
        I did not. It looks like that because when I took that picture I had not finished cutting in the corners, etc.
        I invite you to check this other post of our new garage so you can see what we did.
        Unless the gap between the drywall and the concrete is way too obvious or the drywall was not finished property you should not need molding.
        I understand, if you want a super clean look, though. In that case, I would go with any color that contrasts with the walls, cabinets, etc.

        Let us know what your plans are!

    1. Hello, David,

      Thanks for your comment and for reading our blog.
      At this point, I don’t even remember why. Perhaps, I didn’t even think about it. But if I were to do it again, I would probably do the opposite so I don’t have to cover the floor to paint the walls/ceiling.

      Are you working on a similar project?

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