The pallet used to build the porch swing
Building a DIY porch swing was something Carla asked me to do since the day (or soon after!) we moved to this house. But, we finished the garage, painted almost the whole house, built an office desk, finished part of the basement, remodeled our master closet, and completed many other projects, some of which are not even in the blog, and the swing just kept getting pushed back all the time.
One day, I just felt like using, at least, one of the few pallets we have sitting outside with the intention of completing some projects. It made sense to do something outside the house and finally build the swing after over four years of waiting.
When I told her what I was going to do, she was all smiles, coming up with color ideas and even said she was making a cushion for it! (Don’t miss it on Step 7!) Continue reading